On Saturday, April 9, Scott and I went searching for crust. I did a recon… Read the postSearching For Crust Near Willow
By Thanksgiving time, the rain in Anchorage was really starting to get me down. I… Read the postSkiing On Lake Louise
May 4. After a week of warm rainly weather, the crust is back! Today I… Read the postWorld Championships of the World!
April 21. Linda and I took the two dogs (Anouk and Taz) and did the… Read the postPortage Pass Crust Ski
April 20. After four days of warm, wet weather we finally got a freeze last… Read the postPlacer River Valley Crust Ski
Thursday April 15. Tim Kelley and Tim Miller invited me to join them for a… Read the postCenter Creek Crust Ski
On Sunday April 11, Scott, Taz (the dog) and I did a fantastic crust ski… Read the postCrust Ski Around Avalanche Mountain